So I know I've been a little lazy lately with updating, just been really busy at the office. Well one Sunday Morning My cousin and I decided to roll my fenders a little bit more since i'm gonna be little aggressive next year with my fitment... I must say.. we did a pretty good job~! First we flattened ....
It's Official, I sold my S14. It's not that I didn't want the car anymore, b/c I really loved that car. I just started getting the feel for her to0. But sometimes life just offers you opportunity and you need to take it.
First Love
The Second Love
Just because it's sold... doesn't mean I'm done... keep checking up for pix of the new love =)
So I was chatting with my friend Mark from Fatlace ( ), talking about whats new etc etc... And he sent me a pic of one of his "recent" upgrades on his "Mrs." daily.. and yeah its clean.. its subtle.. its fresh...
And umm .. yeah ... Just wanna say .. Rockey Bunny = Legit
My Best Drift day yet~! .. Finally able to connect the roller coaster advanced course,and Choku-dori the Intermediate. I tandem'd with TF dave. And well nothing really broke~! It was really just a good day ... Here's some pix.. ( thank you Kaziophoto, Brenden Lester and Maggie Mui)
Packing up the Trailer Arriving at USAIR
Why you shouldn't Drift a Brand new Hyunsdai Genesis.... Advanced course...