Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Road Less Travelled...

Call it my A.D.D. or maybe just the plain fact I have trouble making final decisions when I know I like everything. Well.. after I couldn't sleep last night I was searching the web, forums, ebay, blogs etc.. and now I'm second guessing which Aero to go by.. I really just wanted to make this a budget build, something fun.. not trying to break necks, or claim internet glory with it. Here are my options.. honestly, I've always been a fan of the OEM..but its just getting hella rare.. and more and more hella expensive.. Plus.. I'm also that kind of guy that wants something thats not so common as well... Anyways.. Here's my options...

Run Free
OEM ~ Kouki

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Here's a picture hint of some things that are planned to come.. Courtesy of my homie Antonio from

Monday, January 11, 2010