Drift Day 24 MidwestRisk Devils Well again it was stressful for me from the beginning, So many problems came up, but i was determined to be there.. and I made it. It was good to see most of the homies together, all in all good times!
This Drift Day was also the First time I'm driving the new Car .. My S14 with an Rb 3071r Set-up. I was running stock arms just Tein Super-Drift Coilovers and a Vlsd.. The car wasn't as responsive as my Cynthia (Red S13) but then again i haven't "Marked" it yet. =p
Hello how you doing? What's it like to ruin all my self esteem Let me blow off some steam For 5 years I've waited, So why am I jaded to get back with you What makes it cool
When you act like nothing ever happened I feel like I should feel bad But I can't like someone who thought They're the only one that mattered I hope that you're flattered Cause you broke this down The best thing that you never had
And it seems like a loss somehow My heart got lost on the way to my head And my brain cells are dead And the craziness shows Now I start to go when the green turns to red And I should be dead
When you act like nothing ever happened I feel like I should feel bad But I can't like someone who thought They're the only one that mattered While my heart got shattered like romantic roadkill My heart is all splattered your ego got fatter And I hope that you're flattered Cause you broke this down The best thing that you never had..........
So what do I do... How am I suppose to feel... How Are You suppose to Feel... After 5 1/2 years of giving someone.. Your Heart.. Your Love.. Your Soul.. and It still not being enough. Not enough to know, that I will be there for you for the rest of your life. That My Heart and Soul is yours, and I will give anything and everything and do anything to ensure your happiness... What more can a Man give other than his unconditional Love and Loyalty to a Woman before she understands, that, that is what she wants. I will never be a rich man, but I WILL be a wealthy one. I will have everything I ever wanted, because I will only surround myself with the people that matter in my life. I will only surround myself with the people that need me as much I need them.. and all the money in the world cant take that away from me....
My Heart is Broken.... and all that's left is to pick it up One Piece at a Time..........
Here is the schedule as of now, some dates are subject to change, most specifically the first April 5th date (once it is confirmed registration will be up).
April 5 - USAIR *MWC*
May 17 - Milwaukee Mile *MWC* May 31 - RA
June 15 - USAIR
July 13 - Milwaukee Mile July 26 - Gateway *MWC*
August 3 - RA *MWC* August 17 - USAIR
September 13 - Milwaukee Mile *MWC*
October 5 - USAIR *MWC*
So now I have a goal to get my car done. Definitely going to try the best I can to get my car prepped and ready for April 5th.!! Excited yes!.. Hella YES!.. And I expect all the little Devils to be Rock'd Drop'd and Ready to hit it hard!!
Now all I need is this damn Chicago weather to to F'in clear up!! With my new set-up I need to learn and understand my car all over again. I literally have replace'd everything, from my horsepower output down to suspension, alignment and wheels. I feel if I understand my car better, I'll have a better chance of improvement during the events, because I'll be focusing on my technique rathar than overall "driving." I know this will be an ongoing process.
Winter Winter go away, Snow Dori is getting gay. I rather Dori on Paved ground And Spin around, Than Dori on a Snowy Day.
Option Vol 163. Watch if your bored =) Kuroi Hits at FULL LOCK.... awesome shit...
So0o.. I hate to say it.. but it is official I have a new addiction.. I realized I was addicted when I had to pull over at a gas station just because my craving was too great. I blame my job and downtown Chicago. Yes Ladies and Gents I am addicted to Diet Coke. Something about that taste that I just love right now. The thing is I don't even like Pop! But after so many meetings with the only option of either, coke, diet coke or sprite oh and coffee, I just got a customed to Diet Coke. It definitly made me think what other addictions do I have? What things do I need or need to do before I could call a day, my day.
My Dunks Came in!! Thank you again Mel and Vinnie.. I love them! Still deciding if I should even wear them. Most likely I will after all they are meant to be worn, but I think ill wait for nicer weather. =) And what makes them so0o0o0 special.. my nickname ~ "Monster"
FYI... So finally Got Cynthia back today... all i gotta say is...3rd gear... Wh0a! I have yet to open up the throttle completely yet, but the Gt3071r definitly disguishes itself from my previous set-up. 2008 will be awesome, we're finally bringing to the table what we sought after for so0 many years. Despite the set backs most of us endured, I can honestly say.. it was worth it..
"Its Our Time Now" :)
*side note*
This Entry is Dedicated to MELaria.. B/c I made this post so you can finally read something when your at work :)
Well Since I've never done Myspace and/or Facebook, I figure ill do something other than xanga. (www.xanga.com/tall_mark)
It was my Birthday a couple days ago.. (Feb 7th) I'm a chill guy so I just layed low and had a small dinner with some friends and family. I must admit this year is great just because I had some real small but thoughtful gifts, My Friends Mel and Vinnie Design'd me my own personal DUNKS! with my Nickname stich'd on it "Monster," Plus Rayna gave me the most awesome'ness Cake ever.. Ladies and Gents!THE TOUGE CAKE...
<~ The Dunks
This has year def. started off interesting, but non the less I am still very optimistic about it. After all this is my year. Cynthia, has been getting on her way, I decided to upgrade my turbo, after a whopping 2000miles of breaking it in. To be honest I really didnt have to upgrade it, but I was given miss informed information, so what ever, not worth crying over spilled milk. Cant complain with a new bigger turbo anyways . But of course with the new turbo I had to upgrade my Injectors, Re-Tune and Fab a new intake and hotpipe.. Gayed... Everything else is installed though, all I need now is paint, and install wheels. Can't wait till the weather clears up so I can break it all in. Heres some Teaser Progress Pix
And some Teaser Wheel Pix
Immamura Throwing Down!! Cant wait to get behind and practice! 0=)